Category Archives: Home

Maine press needs to make truth louder than LePage lies

Gov. Paul LePage has been an unmitigated disaster for Maine. After six years of alleged “conservative” management, our state is still one of the worst in the nation for doing business, and our struggling economy continues to cause our children to flee for better opportunities elsewhere. As we stare down the final year-and-a-half of his […]

On national monument, LePage is his own worst enemy

Last week, Gov. Paul LePage testified in front of the House Committee on Natural Resources during its hearing on alleged overreach by the Obama administration in its use of the Antiquities Act. LePage was there to voice opposition to the use of the act to create the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, which preserves […]

LePage’s 4-Point Plan for Maine

Think the LePage agenda is just one haphazard series of bumbling calamities after another? Wrong! After extensive research, I’ve determined that this administration has been following a disciplined protocol — Paul LePage’s 4-Point Plan for Maine: Point 1: Talk Maine down Paul LePage is an unconventional governor, a fact that’s perhaps most apparent through his […]

Three good signs the Maine GOP is returning to its pro-business roots

Last week, three great initiatives emerged that could have a positive impact on Maine’s economy and our reputation as a pro-business state. And all three signal a long-awaited and welcome return to free market principles by Republicans in Augusta. The first was the announcement of red-tape cutting measures to help expedite certifications for certain professions […]